2006 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kabukim Lele   Kabukim layla C 2009 Yoram Sasson Info Kach Anu Chogegot This is how we party LK 1998 Perach Yeari Info Kach Elohim Bara Otanu Thus God created us P 2004 Yoram Sasson Info Kach Elohim Bara Otanu Thus God created us P 1997 Itzik Lezebnic Info Kach Et Hakol Take it all PK 2000 Shlomo Maman Info Kach Et Hakol   Take it all LK 2002 Levy Bargil Info Kach Et Hakol     Take it all L Ariadna Faerstein Info Kach Hakol Be'ahava (Kach Hakol Be'ahavah)   Take everything with love C 2008 Meir Shem Tov Info Kach Haya Kach Yihie   So it was so it will be C 2019 Nourit Grinfeld Info Kach Holchim Hashotelim Thus walk the planters CK 1978 Yoav Ashriel Info Kach Holchim Hashotlim   Thus walk the planters K 1992 Dvora Lapson Info Kach Holchim Hashotlim Thus walk the planters LK 2002 Levy Bargil Info Kach Lecha Eisha Take a wife for yourself P 2004 Moti Ben Yaakov Info Kach Nolad Ha'Tzeva   Thus was born the color PK 2012 Levy Bargil Info Kach Ofim Challah     That's how to bake a challah K Unknown   Kach Oti   Take me P 2017 Shlomo Maman Info Kacha Lo Ozvim   That's no way to leave P 2011 Ohad Atia Info Kacha Miyom Leyom   Like this from day to day P 2021 Sharon Elkaslassy Info Kacha Stam   Meanwhile dance P 2012 Tamir Shalev Info Kacha Tenatzchi   Like this you (f.) Will win P 1997 Avner Naim Info Kacha Vekacha Like this and like that P 1991 Tuvia Tishler Info Kacha Ze   That's how it is P 2022 Sharon Elkaslassy Info Kacha Ze Etzlenu (Kacha Zeh Etzlenu)     That's how it is with us L 2016 Tamar Shabtai Info Kachalom (Kechalom) Like a dream C 1996 Victor Gabbay Info Kachol   Blue C 2004 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kachol Velavan   Blue and white CK 2008 Levy Bargil-Chana Nitzan   Kachol Velavan       Blue and white CK Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kad El Kad   Pitcher to pitcher C 1978 Yankale Levy Info Kad Hakemach Jug of flour C 1994 Sefi Aviv Info Kad Yatbin   Arabic C 2016 Rafi Ziv Info Kadima   Forward C 2019 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kadosh Kadosh   Holy holy C 2023 Oren Ashkenazi-Nurit Melamed   Kadril Yoyaneke   Quadrille jojanneke C 2015 Jojanneke Van Hemert Info Kadru Pnei Hashamaim The sky got gloomy C 2005 Amnon Amram Info Kadur Regel   Soccer C 1999 Avi Perez-Israel Yakovee-Eyal Eliyahu-Victor Gabbay-Nir Dor   Kadurim Chayim   Live smmunition P 2016 Victor Gabbay Info Kadya     Kadya C 2002 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kaelu Milim   Such words P 2014 Oren Bachar Info Kafe Alhambra Cafe Alhambra L 1997 Shlomo Maman Info Kafe Etzel Berta Coffee at Bertha's P 1992 Gadi Bitton Info Kafe Oh Te     Coffee or tea C 1986 Itzik Kazmirski Info Kafe Shachor Chazak   Strong black coffee L 2015 Ohad Atia-Michael Barzelai   Kafe Turki   Turkish coffee PM 2008 Ariadna Faerstein Info Kafe Turki (Café Turki) Turkish coffee P 1997 Raanan Mor Info Kafri Villager P 1986 Amnon Amram Info Kaha Nerakeda     Like this we dance CK 1960 Dvora Lapson Info Kaily Rikud       Kaily Rikud K 2002 Levy Bargil Info Kakdila   How are you (Russian) L 2022 Yuval Tabashi Info Kal Al Adib     Easy on kindness P Unknown   Kala   Bride P 2012 Gila Paz Info Kala Amsterdam   Kala Amsterdam L 2016 Yaron Elfasy Info Kala Teimana (Kalah Teimaniyah)   Yemenite bride P 1996 Avner Naim Info Kalam Fadi   Arabic C 2016 Eli Segal Info Kalanit     Anemone C 1979 David Edery Info Kalaniyot   Anemones C 2008 Israel Shiker Info Kalat Melech   A king's bride C 2023 Shulamit Rada Info Kaliente Tambores   Hot bongo drums (Spanish) L 2003 Eyal Eliyahu Info Kalinka   Kalinka PK 2008 Eitan Krol Info Kalu Raglayim Light on our feet P 1958 Tamar Alyagor Info Kama   How much C 2010 Eyal Ozeri Info Kama Ahava (Kama Ahavah) How much love P 1997 Gadi Bitton Info Kama Ahava Yesh Baneshama (Kama Ahavah Yesh Baneshama)   So much love is in the soul P 2011 Oren Ashkenazi Info Kama Ahava Yesh Be'inayich How much love in your eyes C 2009 Israel Shiker Info Kama Ahavnu   How much we loved C 2017 Israel Shiker Info Kama Ahavnu   How much we loved P 2019 Chana Shuvaly Info Kama At Yafa (Kama At Yafah)   How beautiful you are (f.) P 2000 Gadi Bitton Info Kama At Yafa (Kama At Yafah)   How beautiful you are (f.) P 2012 Yaron Malihi Info Kama At Yafa (Kama At Yafah)   How beautiful you are (f.) C 2013 Dana Monet Info Kama At Yafa Ksheat Tzocheket (Kama At Yafah Ksheat Tzocheket)   How beautiful you are when you laugh C 2011 Nurit Melamed Info Kama At Yodaat   How much do you know P 2001 Oren Shmuel Info Kama Chaser   How much is missing P 2009 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kama Dmaot     How many tears C 2007 Shlomo Maman Info Kama Esh   How much fire C 2011 Yuval Tabashi Info Kama Manginot   A few melodies C 2019 Eran Bitton Info Kama Mazal How much luck C 2006 Rafi Ziv Info Kama Milim   Few words P 2011 Shlomo Maman Info Kama Od Drachim   How many more ways P 2012 Sagi Azran-Sharon Elkaslassy   Kama Od Efshar How much more is it possible P 2007 Shlomo Maman Info Kama Pashut   How simple C 2023 Michael Barzelai Info Kama Peamim   Several times P 2013 Ilai Szpiezak Info Kama She Rachok   As far as possible C 2023 Tamir Shalev Info Kama Sutra Kama Sutra P 2002 Rafi Ziv Info Kama Tov It's so good P 1995 Amnon Amram Info Kama Tov Babait   How good at home LK 2017 Rotem Shmueli Info Kama Tov Bishnayim How good it is with two P 2002 Gadi Bitton Info Kama Tov Lashir   How good it is to sing C 2002 Amnon Shauli Info Kama Tov Shebat   How good that you came P 2008 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kama Tov Shenifgashnu   How great that we met C 2012 Kobi Michaeli Info Kama Tov Shenifgashnu   How great that we met PK 2014 Levy Bargil Info Kama Yafim   How beautiful C 2019 Mitch Ginsburgh Info Kama Yamim   A few days C 2019 Tamir Shalev Info Kama Yofi   How much beauty P 2016 Eran Bitton Info Kama Zman   How much time P 2011 Eyal Ozeri Info Kamanjeh (Kemanje)     Kamanjeh C 1990 Roni Siman Tov Info Kamea Amulet P 2007 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kan Badarom Here in the south P 1974 Moti Elfasy Info Kan Beyti   Here is my home C 1991 Sefi Aviv Info Kan Beyti   This is my home LK 2012 Levy Bargil Info Kan Beyti     Here is my home LK 1987 Yehuda Emanuel Info Kan Beyti Here is my home C 1991 Moshe Telem Info Kan Habayit   Here at home P 2010 Nona Malki + Avi Malki   Kan Noladeti I was born here LK 1995 Levy Bargil Info Kan Noladeti   I was born here LK Raya Spivak Info Kanfei Ruach   Wind wings C 2017 Yaron Elfasy Info Kanibal     Cannibal L 2001 Unknown   Kanireh Apparently C 2009 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kanta Maninia     Not Hebrew! P 2003 Rafi Ziv Info Kapara   Atonement C 2022 Orly Star Setareh Info Kapayim       (Clap) hands C 1996 Avner Naim Info Kapayim (Clap) hands C 1996 Benny Levy Info Kapenu Nisa El Marom       We Raise Our Hands to Heaven   1992 Tzvi Fridhaber Info Kapuera     Kapuera L 2001 Unknown   Kar Li Cham   I'm cold hot P 2022 Tamir Scherzer Info Kar Sham Bachutz   Cold outside P 2008 Moshe Tawily Info Karah Ze Rak Hapaam (Karah Zeh Rak Hapaam)   It's happened only this time P 1996 Avi Perez Info Karamela   Karamela LK 2018 Dudu Sapir Info Karata Li Ester   You called me Esther C 2020 Nurit Melamed Info Karev Yom   Another day L Yoav Ashriel Info Karir Yaldati       It is cold my girl P 1984 Unknown   Karmiel Rokedet The city of Karmiel is dancing C 2003 Shlomo Maman Info Karnaval   Carnival L 2022 Bar Mizrahi + Andre Schor   Karolina   Carolina P 2003 Yair Harel Info Karov   Close P 2019 Victor Gabbay Info Karov Beneinu   Close between us C 2022 Ariane Butel Info Karov Elayich   Close to you P 2009 Yossi Azani Info Karov Elayich   Close to you P 2017 Israel Shiker Info Karov Et Libech       Near your heart P 2009 Jeremy Abrams-Shir Sternberg   Karov Laadama       Close to the ground C 2000 Unknown   Karov Lalev   Near to heart P 2009 Oren Shmuel Info Karov Lenchama   Close to consolation P 1990 Naftaly Kadosh Info Karov Lenchama (Karov Lenachama)   Close to consolation P 1990 Sefi Aviv Info Kartis Lekivun Echad       One way ticket C 1992 Moshany Shemesh Info Kashe Li It's hard for me C 1993 Israel Yakovee Info Kashe Lihyot Tinok (Dur Dur D'etre Bebe) It's hard to be a baby LK 1996 Tzipi Cohen Info Kashkaval   Kashkaval C 2010 Rafi Ziv Info Kashteno Al Shikmeno       The bows on our shoulders LK 2002 Levy Bargil Info Kashur Elayich   Tied to you C 2009 Meir Shem Tov Info Katan Ze Hachi Keff Baolam (Katan Zeh Hachi Keff Baolam) Small is most fun in the world PK 1999 Tzipi Cohen Info Katavti Lach Michtav I wrote you (f.) A letter C 1999 Zeev Benedict Info Katonti I am unworthy C 2012 Oren Ashkenazi Info Katuv Milemaala   Write from above C 2021 Ilai Szpiezak-Gadi Bitton   Katyushka   Katyushka C 2021 Liora Nishly   Katzefet   Whip cream PK Levy Bargil Info Katzefet Im Tut   Strawberries and cream C 2017 Sophie Sumner Info Kav Haahava   The line of love C 2017 Dov Orbach Info Kav Hahatchala       Starting line (the) C 1997 Benny Levy Info Kav Hatefer   The seam C 2006 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kavim   Lines P 2012 Sagi Azran Info Kawaka   Kwaka PK 2016 Levy Bargil-Chana Nitzan   Kayitz   Summer P 2016 Naftaly Kadosh Info Kayitz Al Ha'ir Summer above the city P 1984 Roni Siman Tov Info Kayitz Asa Li Tov   Summer did me good C 2021 Sharon Elkaslassy Info Kayitz Ba       Summer is coming K Levy Bargil Info Kayitz Chadash   New summer P 2024 Shlomo Maman Info Kayitz Cham     A hot summer P 1991 David Ben David Info Kayitz Israeli   Israeli summer C 2011 Eli Segal Info Kayitz Kayitz       Summer, summer P 1990 Sefi Aviv Info Kchi Et Libi   Take my heart P 2015 Yaron Malihi Info Kchi Lach Take (for yourself) C 2019 Michael Barzelai +Ariela Grisario   Kchi Oti Take me P 2004 Yaron Malihi Info Kchi Oti Take me C 2007 Rafi Ziv Info Kchi Oti Take me P 2008 Gadi Bitton Info Kchi Oto   Take him P 2000 Meir Shem Tov Info Kdushat Hashabat   The holiest of the Sabbath C 2021 Avi Perez Info Ke Me Kieras   Wwhat I like (Spanish) L 2008 Carina Saslavsky Info Ke'agadat Rivka   Like the legend of Rebecca C 1954 Shmuel Viki Cohen Info Kearot Shel Ahava   Bowls of love C 2018 Nurit Melamed Info Keayal Taarog   Yearn as a deer C 2011 Dan-Marieke Assouline   Kechol Sheata Ohev As long as you love me LK 1998 Yossi Schwartz Info Kecholmim Niheye       Dreamers become C 2005 Avner Naim Info Kechula Kachalom Blue as a dream P 1996 Victor Gabbay Info Kedat Moshe Ve'Israel       Laws of moses and Israel P 2012 Kobi Michaeli Info Keday Lo (Kedai Lo)   It is worthwhile for him P 1998 Itzik Lezebnic Info Kedey Sheelech   So I can go P 2022 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Keev Rosh Headache C 1995 Moshiko Halevy Info Keevey Gdila   Growing pains C 2023 Nurit Melamed Info Kefel   Multiplication C 2022 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Keff Temani   Yemenite fun P 1992 Benny Levy Info Keff Temani   Yemenite fun C 2007 Rafi Ziv Info Ke'ilu Sof As if it's the end P 1991 Avi Perez Info Keivan Sheen Ladaat Because there is no way to know P 1991 Avi Perez Info Kekalot Yeni       When my Wine Finishes   1977 Unknown   Kelim Shluvim   Connected vessels P 2006 Barry Avidan Info Ken Achshav   Yes, now C 2014 Nona Malki Info Ken Bakodesh     Yes in the holiness C 1976 David Ben Naim Info Ken Ken     Yes, yes P 1986 David Ben Naim Info Ken Ken At Yafa Yes, yes C 2002 Gadi Bitton Info Ken Latzipor     Nest for the Bird   1981 Yoav Ashriel Info Ken Latzipor Nest for the bird CK 1986 Yaron Meishar Info Ken Shel Ahava (Kach Hakol Beahavah) Love nest P 1999 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Ken Shel Ahava (Ken Shel Ahavah)     Love Nest   Moshany Shemesh Info Ken Yovdu     Thus they shall perish C 1948 Sara Levi Tanai Info Ken Yovdu Thus they shall perish C 1948 Gurit Kadman Info Kerachem Av Al Banim   As a father has mercy on his children C 2011 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kerem Basadot     Vineyard fields P 1990 Meir Shem Tov Info Kerem Teyman (Kerem Teiman)       Yemen vineyard P Unknown   Keren Or     Ray of light C 1989 Shlomo Bachar Info Keren Or   Ray of light P 1982 Dani Dassa Info Keren Or   A ray of light C 2016 Gadi Bitton Info Keren Or Ktana (Keren Or Ktanah)   A glimpse of light C 2009 Shlomo Maman Info Keren Rishona   First ray P 2018 Tuvia Tishler Info Keren Shachar Moon ray C 1999 Shlomo Maman Info Keren Shachar (Keren Yaar) Dawn ray P 1989 Shlomo Bachar Info Keren Shemesh   Ray of sun C 2023 Dudu Barzilay Info Keren Shemesh   Ray of sun C 1993 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kereshme (Karishma)   Kereshme C 2001 Avi Palvari Info Kesef   Money C 2010 Eli Segal Info Kesem   Magic K 2012 Levy Bargil Info Kesem Al Yam Kineret     Magic on lake Kinneret C 1992 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kesem Al Yam Kineret Magic on lake Kinneret P 1987 Shlomo Bachar Info Kesem Chalili   The magic of the flute C 2003 Oren Shmuel Info Kesem Hamizrach   Magic of the east P 1983 Sefi Aviv Info Kesem Hamizrach       Magic of the east P 1978 Bentzi Tiram Info Kesem Hanshama   The magic of the soul C 2020 Sima Shaul Info Kesem Kalanit Laad Poppy magic forever P 1990 Barry Avidan Info Kesem Midbari   Desert magic C 2000 Avi Levy Info Kesem Neuray   Magic of my youth C 2024 Tamir Shalev Info Kesem Shel Yam Kineret       Magic On Lake Kinneret   1992 David Swissa Info Kesem Shir   Song magic C 1988 Uri Grafit Info Kesem Teimani   Yemenite magic P 2006 Avner Naim Info Kesheat Lo Leyadi   While you not beside me C 2010 Nurit Melamed Info Keshem Sheani   As I am C 2021 Andre Schor-Marina Helsman   Keshem Sheani Roked   Just as I dance LK 2012 Tzipi Cohen Info Keshenavo (Shekshenavo) When we come C 1986 Avi Perez Info Keshet Ashuv   When you return P 2008 Gila Paz Info Keshoshana Bein Hachochim Like a rose amongst the thorns P 1960 Yankale Levy Info Kesi   Kesi L 2022 Carina Saslavsky Info Kesi Keno Kesi Keno L 2000 Batya Perez Info Ketantonet       Tiny LK 2008 Levy Bargil Info Ketem Hapri Fruit stain C 1991 Chayim Shiryon Info Ketem Hapri Fruit stain L 1991 Dede Luski Info Ketero   Let's meet C 2022 Ilai Szpiezak Info Ketzad Merakdim   This is how we dance C 2012 Rafi Ziv Info Ketzad Merakdim   This is how we dance C Unknown   Ketze Hayom   The end of the day C 2020 Ariane Butel Info Ketzev   Rhythm LK 2008 Yael Yaakovi   Ketzev     Rhythm C 1999 Unknown   Ketzev Hachayim The rhythm of life P 2004 Sagi Azran Info Ketzev Hadarbuka   Rhythm of the darbuka C 2018 Tamir Scherzer Info Kevan Sheen Ladaat     Because there is no way to know C 1991 Oren Shmuel Info Kfar Beteman     Village in Yemen P 1976 Dani Dassa Info Kfar Todra Village of Todra C 2001 Avi Perez Info Ki Avad Asher Avar     What's past is lost C 1985 Itzik Saada Info Ki Besimcha Tetzeun       For you'll go out with joy C 2008 Avner Naim Info Ki Cholat Ahava (Ki Cholat Ahavah)   That lovesick P 2010 Shlomo Maman Info Ki El Aser Telchi       Towards wherever you go P 1999 Eli Ronen Info Ki Eleicha (Anim Zmirot)   Because to you PC 2007 Connie L. Katz Info Ki Eshmera     For I guard C 1971 Shlomo Bachar Info Ki Eshmera Shabbat   For I guard Sabbath C 1986 Shlomo Maman Info Ki Eshmera Shabbat     For I guard Sabbath C 1978 Moshiko Halevy Info Ki Hirbeita   The home here C 2010 Nurit Melamed Info Ki Hivshilu Eshkolot   The grapes bunches are ready to harvest C 1968 Moshiko Halevy Info Ki Karov   Because close C 2023 Sarah Rodin   Ki Ki Ri Bu   Kiki Ri Bu   2007 Unknown   Ki Lecha   For you C 1997 Moshe Telem Info Ki Leolam Chasdo   For his charity is never ending C 2008 Avner Naim Info Ki Mitzion Because from Zion C 1967 Rivka Sturman Info Ki Rav Lehoshi'a     For he is the great savior C 1979 Shlomo Bachar Info Ki Rav Lehoshi'a For he is the great savior P 1978 Eli Ronen Info Ki Tavou     When you come K Unknown   Ki Tavou El Haaretz As you shall come to the land P 1978 Dani Dassa Info Ki Tavou El Haaretz     As you shall come to the land LK Raya Spivak Info Ki Tavou El Haaretz   As you shall come to the land L 1958 Rivka Sturman Info Ki Tavou El Haaretz     As you shall come to the land PM 1958 Sara Levi Tanai Info Ki Tinam As it'll be pleasant P 1954 Tamar Alyagor Info Ki Tovim Dodecha   That good boobs P 1987 Moshe Telem Info Ki Vesimcha Teitzeinu     For you'll go out with joy C American (USA)   Ki Yadata   Because you know C 2019 Avner Naim Info Kif Hakof       Kif the monkey CK Yaron Meishar Info Kikar Hamedina ( Kikar Hamedinah)   State square C 2018 Andre Schor Info Kimat   Almost P 2023 Shlomo Maman Info Kimat   Almost C 2020 Louis Burdmann Manna   Kimat Kvar Nogea     Nearly already touching C 2014 Gadi Bitton Info Kimat Shehitragalti   I almost got used to it C 2016 Elad Shtamer Info Kimat Shir Ahava (Kimat Shir Ahavah)   Almost a love song P 2013 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kimbara (Quimbara) Kimbara L 2004 Alberto Zirlinger-Ariadna Faerstein   Kineret Kineret C 1984 Moshiko Halevy Info Kineret Acheret   Another Kineret C 2014 Israel Shiker Info Kineret Sheli My Kineret P 1996 Yoni Carr Info King of Glory     King of glory CK 1993 Unknown   Kinor David David's violin C 1973 Fredie Cohen Info Kinori   My violin C 2015 Mali Lipson-Moshe Info Kino's Dance     Kino's dance C 2006 Israel Yakovee Info Kintot Hayom As the day ends' C 2007 Mali Lipson-Moshe Info Kipodim   Hedgehogs C 2022 Yuval Tabashi Info Kirya Yefefiya (Kiryah Yefefiyah) Beautiful town C 1970 Moshiko Halevy Info Kirya Yefefiya (Kiryah Yefefiyah)     Beautiful town P 1992 Sefi Aviv Info Kirya Yefefiya (Kiryah Yefefiyah)   Beautiful town C 2015 Israel Shiker Info Kirya Yefefiya (Kiryah Yefefiyah) Beautiful town C 1969 Dani Dassa Info Kishlomo Et Shulamit     Like Shlomo the shulamit P 1966 Tzvi Fridhaber Info Kismey Hadarbuka (Kismei Hadarbuka)   The magical things of the tarbuka C 2005 Eli Segal Info Kismey Shaul (Kismei Shaul) Saul's magic C 1982 Yankale Levy Info Kiss Kiss   Kiss kiss L 2003 Tzipi Cohen Info Kisufim     Yearnings C 1971 Shlomo Bachar Info Kisufim   Yearnings PCM 1960 Moshiko Halevy Info Kivsahti   My sheep C 1989 Shlomo Bachar Info Kivun Acher     Another direction P 2007 Shlomo Maman Info Kivun Acher       A different direction C 2014 Daniel Valensy   Kivunim   Directions LK 2014 Levy Bargil Info Kleizmer   Band C 1970 Yoav Ashriel Info Klezmer Mitzfat     Safed klezmer C 1991 David Ben David Info Klezmerim Mitzfat     Safed klezmer C 1991 Marco Ben Shimon Info Klik   Click (together) C 2001 Israel Shiker Info Klilat Hod   Perfect splendor P 1982 Israel Yakovee Info Klum Lo Ozer Li   Nothing helps me L 2013 Oren Ashkenazi Info Klum Lo Shaveh Biladayich   Nothing's worth it without you P 2014 Yaron Malihi Info Klum Lo Taim   Nothing tasty P 2022 Victor Gabbay Info Klum Lo Yaatzor   Nothing will help P 2000 Moshe Eskayo Info Kmo Achshav   As now C 2014 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kmo Az Like then P 1993 Rafi Ziv Info Kmo Balada   Like a ballad C 2002 Israel Shiker Info Kmo Balada   Like a ballad P 1985 Israel Shiker Info Kmo BeRio   Like in rio LK 2016 Levy Bargil Info Kmo BeRio   Like in Rio L 2016 Dudu Barzilay Info Kmo Chalom   Because you multiply C 2010 Edo Israely Info Kmo Cinderela   Like cinderella C 2000 Eli Segal Info Kmo Dag   Like a fish C 1999 Benny Levy Info Kmo Galgal Like a wheel P 1998 Oren Halaly Info Kmo Hagalim   Like the waves C 2002 Yair Harel Info Kmo Haruach   Like the wind C 2006 Shlomo Maman Info Kmo Hasheket   Like the silence P 2007 Naftaly Kadosh Info Kmo Kfafa Like a glove C 2007 Meir Shem Tov Info Kmo Kol Yom Like any other day P 2015 Gadi Bitton Info Kmo Lisara Like a storm P 1994 Avi Perez Info Kmo Mayim   Like water P 2014 Gadi Bitton Info Kmo Meesh   Like fire P 2013 Ilan Benedict Info Kmo Paam   Like once P 2015 Mali Lipson-Moshe Info Kmo Paam       P 2024 Shlomo Maman Info Kmo Shalechet   Like autumn P 2019 Gary Rom-Chaim Vaaknin   Kmo She'ani Ohev Otach   Like I love you P 2009 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kmo She'at As you are (f.) P 1987 Eli Ronen Info Kmo She'at As you are (f.) P 1988 Chayim Shiryon Info Kmo She'ata Ohev   Like you love P 2009 Nona Malki Info Kmo She'ata Yode'a   As you know P 2011 Yom Tov Ochayon Info Kmo Shebateva Like in nature C 2007 Ohad Atia Info Kmo Shelayla (Kmo Shelaila)   Like the night P 2013 Elad Shtamer Info Kmo Shikor   Like a drunk C 2014 Yaron Malihi Info Kmo Shney Zarim (Kmo Shnei Zarim) Like two strangers C 2003 Yom Tov Ochayon Info Kmo Shokolad Like chocolate C 2007 Eyal Ozeri-Eli Segal   Kmo Sirah Trufa (Kmo Sirah Trufah) Like a capsized boat C 1998 Israel Shiker Info Kmo Sufa   Like a storm C 2005 Yaron Malihi Info Kmo Tfila (Kmo Tfilah) As a prayer C 1984 Yossi Azulai Info Kmo Tzipor Like a bird C 1996 Sefi Aviv Info Kmo Tzipor   Like a bird C 1997 Eli Ronen Info Kmo Tzipor Chofshit Like free bird C 2005 Oren Ashkenazi Info Kmo Tzoani Like a gypsy CK 1999 Israel Churches Info Kmo Tzoani Like a gypsy C 1985 Meir Shem Tov Info Kmo Tzoani Im Gitara   Like a gypsy with guitar P 2016 Sagi Azran Info Kmo Yayin   Like wine C 1996 Moshe Eskayo Info Kmo Yayin Like wine C 1989 Noam Chaver Info Knock Out   Knock out L 2016 Bar Mizrachi Info Koach Lehamshich Strength to continue C 1997 Sharon Elkaslassy-Gadi Bitton   Kocha Shel Ahava   The power of love C 2018 Shulamit Rada Info Kochav Batchelet       Star in the azure P 1988 Marco Ben Shimon Info Kochav Echad   One star C 2021 Michael Barzelai Info Kochav Hamazal Sheli   My lucky star P 2010 Sam Askenazi   Kochav Haruach   Star of the wind C 1990 Moshiko Halevy Info Kochav Hashabat       Sabbath Star   Moshe Telem Info Kochav Hayeladim   The children's star CK Levy Bargil Info Kochav Neelam   Disappearing star C 1988 Shlomo Maman Info Kochav Nofel Falling star C 1998 Itzik Saada Info Kochav Shel Layla   Night star C 2019 Mali Lipson-Moshe Info Kochavi   Stellar C 2017 Nurit Melamed Info Kochavim   Stars P 2003 Chayim Tzubari Info Kochavim   Kochavim C 2014 Nurit Melamed Info Kochavim Balayla A whisper at night P 1996 Itzik Ben Dahan Info Kochavim Balayla (Kochavim Balaila)   Stars at Night   Yigal Bashan Info Kochavim Lo Meshakrim Stars don't lie P 1999 Victor Gabbay Info Kochavim Notzezim   Sparkling stars P 2011 Shimon Shuker Info Kochecha Haram   Your high power C 2021 Nurit Melamed Info Kochevet       Star LK 2018 Tzipi Cohen Info Kochot   Forces C 2020 Carmit De Kalo Info Koev Veshar   Painful and sing C 2011 Sagi Azran Info Koko Jambo Koko Jambo L 1996 Ohad Atia-Dede Luski   Koko Jumbo     Koko Jambo LK Levy Bargil Info Koko Jumbo   Koko Jumbo LK 1996 Tzipi Cohen Info Kokus   Coconut P 2014 Yoav Bashan Info Kol Ahavati Elayich   All my love to you C 2024 Elad Shtamer Info Kol Akava Letova   Every obstacle is good C 2023 Tzuri Machluf   Kol Baramah   Voice in the heights C 2003 Shmulik Gov Ari Info Kol Boker   Every morning P 2009 Dudu Barzilay Info Kol Chayay (Kol Chayai) All my life C 2006 Revital Golan Info Kol Dodi     My beloved voice C 1962 Zeev Chavatzelet Info Kol Dodi My beloved voice C 1946 Rivka Sturman Info Kol Dodi     My beloved voice L 1944 Sara Levi Tanai Info Kol Echad     Each one LK Levy Bargil Info Kol Echad   Everyone (or one voice) C 2014 Shlomo Maman Info Kol Echad Each one P 1988 Sari Goldwaser Info Kol Echad Yachol   Everyone can P 2017 Yaron Ben Simhon Info Kol Galgal     Voice of the wheel C 2010 DJ Niedober Info Kol Haanashim Hasmechim All the happy people C 2005 Dudu Barzilay Info Kol Haaretz Degalim All the country is flags CK 1990 Tamar Halperin Info Kol Haatchalot Kasot   All beginnings are difficult C 2020 Nir Dan Info Kol Habachurim All the guys C 2004 Zeev Benedict Info Kol Habanot (2nd)   All the girls C 2021 Michele Pikman-Elisa Nigri   Kol Habsorot All the latest P 2010 Avner Naim Info Kol Hachalomot All the dreams P 2006 Oren Ashkenazi Info Kol Hachalomot   All the dreams P 2017 Gadi Bitton Info Kol Hachiyalim Chozrim Habayta   All the soldiers are coming home C 2024 Allon Idelman   Kol Haderech   All the way P 2014 Yaron Malihi Info Kol Haderech Chazara All the way back C 1988 Roni Siman Tov Info Kol Hadror Voice of the sparrow (the) P 1978 Bentzi Tiram Info Kol Hagan Lavash Lavan   All wore white jeanes CK 2012 Chana Nitzan Info Kol Hakavod   All the respect LK Raya Spivak Info Kol Hakavod Well done! C 1977 Eliyahu Gamliel Info Kol Hakavod   All the respect LK 1998 Levy Bargil Info Kol Hakoach All the power C 2006 Yoram Sasson-Eli Segal   Kol Hakochavim All the stars C 2001 Oren Shmuel Info Kol Halayla (Kol Halaila) All the night P 2001 Naftaly Kadosh Info Kol Halayla (Kol Halaila)     All the night CK 1988 Tzuffit Abuhav Info Kol Halayla (Kol Halaila)   All the night C 2008 Michal Pellach Info Kol Halayla Nirkod (Kol Halaila Nirkod)   We'll dance all night C 2009 Eli Rachamim Info Kol Hamaalot The virtues of ascents C 2006 Victor Gabbay Info Kol Hamedina   All the country C 2019 Adi Wainberg Lerch Info Kol Hamilim     All the words P 2010 DJ Niedober Info Kol Hamilim   All words P 2010 Meir Shem Tov Info Kol Hanachalim Zormim Leyam   All the rivulets flow to the sea P 2003 Chayim Shiryon Info Kol Hanechalim   All the rivers P 2002 Noah Rimon Info Kol Hanechalim All the rivers C 2006 Gadi Bitton Info Kol Haneshama Let all souls C 1981 Yankale Levy Info Kol Haolam   All the world C 2008 Naftaly Kadosh-Eitan Aloush   Kol Haolam   All the world P 2009 Avi Levy Info Kol Haolam   All the world C 2010 Andrias Bibar Info Kol Haolam Gesher (Kol Haolam Kulo)   The whole world is a bridge LK Raya Spivak Info Dance Name Translation Type Year Choreographer Info

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